Day 7 - Sayer
Now the last blog implied that the project was done, but it wasn't, the primary assembly was done. Day 7 was relegated primarily to tidying it up and applying edge banding. Which is a lot harder than you'd think. You have to press down a thin veneer with a hot iron and if you screw it up by any more than 1/16" you gotta do it again loser. I used probably double the material I needed to due to stupid mistakes, but it doesn't matter, I got it done eventually.
Once the edge banding was finished, I needed to do one of the final steps, sanding the whole thing down. This was probably the most stressful step and a lot of the edge banding was screwed up by my imprecision or tendency towards mistakes in general. However, that step was finished with the shelf intact and thank god for it because that was stressful. I was sorta left to myself for a good while until it was finally time to attach the backing.
Now the backing was cut from this massive floppy 1/8" plywood board. Meaning in order to saw it we would once again need all hands on deck. So that's what happened, 2 cuts later and the backing was set. I ended up nailing in the backing nails with Nathaniel completely unsupervised and it turned out well, the shelf is nearing completion, only like 2 more steps to do!
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